Ways To Fight Off Seasonal Depression

While most people are having fun during the winter, there are others who feel down and depressed. Seasonal depression, also known as SAD is a mood disorder that affects a person at different times in a year. It mostly affects people during cold seasons but it can also strike during the fall.

If you feel dreary during these seasons, then you probably have seasonal depression. The challenge is that avoiding it is hard. However, there are ways to ease the feeling.

Seasonal Depression A Common Occurrence?

The overall number is quite small since seasonal depression usually occurs in the northern areas of the world. Plus, they mostly affect areas that have short winter seasons.

In terms of percentage, about 4 to 6 percent of people in the United States has this condition. Mostly women and young people are the ones who experience seasonal depression. Fortunately, this type of mood disorder is mild compared to the rest.

Keep in mind that you still need to get treatment. Just because it doesn’t affect you as much. That doesn’t mean you should just ignore it.

What Are The Symptoms That You Get From Seasonal Depression?

Most of these symptoms might sound normal to you. However, with this mood disorder. These symptoms are much harder to please. It’s a good idea to know all of the symptoms just in case you are experiencing seasonal depression. Symptoms may include:

  • Energy levels are low
  • Feeling sad and depressed when seasons change
  • High cravings for carbohydrates
  • Suicidal thoughts and tendencies
  • Easily irritated and annoyed
  • Losing interest in enjoyable and fun activities
  • Sleeping to much or difficulty in sleeping

These symptoms usually show during fall, winter, or warmer seasons. They could last from days to weeks.

Fighting Off Seasonal Depression

Don’t let your mood disorder control your life and time. There are ways in which you can deal with or at least ease its effects. If you want to fight off seasonal depression, then consider doing these tips.

Consult With A Specialist

It’s very important to know everything about this mood disorder. Consulting with your personal doctor or physician is highly advised. Unfortunately, the pandemic has kept people from going out of their homes.

If that’s the case, then you can consult with professionals online. Pacific Psych Centers offer online consultations with the help of their psychiatrists. Additionally, they have a lot of information regarding mood disorders.

You’ll be able to learn and at the same time deal with your condition. That works in your favor, especially if you can’t leave your home.

Keep Yourself Busy With Social Activities

One of the best ways of dealing with seasonal depression is with fun, social activities. Winter is a difficult time for people with this mood disorder. Instead of feeling down and getting under the sheets.

You have the opportunity to spend time with your family and friends. Simple activities like reading books together or playing multiplayer board games. Keeping your mind off things while socializing will definitely help you ease the anxiety that comes with this mood disorder.

Allow Natural Sunlight To Enter Your Home

Sunlight is a major factor when you’re dealing with seasonal depression. As much as possible, you should take advantage of sunlight and its benefits. Lightboxes are perfect if you want to engage in light therapy. Studies show that bright light is an effective treatment for seasonal depression.

However, natural light is still better for obvious reasons. If possible, you should stroll or take a job outside when it’s sunny. On the other hand, if you’re staying indoors, then you should open up the curtains to let the natural sunlight in.


You might be dreading the next winter season and it’s perfectly understandable. Remember, there are ways to handle and ease the problems you get from seasonal depression. Also, you may even find personal tips on your own.

Whichever the case may be, you shouldn’t deal with this problem yourself. Whether you want to consult with a professional or you want help from your family. It’s always a good idea to tell someone and that’s one of the main problems of mood disorders.

People tend to keep it to themselves. Trust me when I say that some problems in life can only be solved with the help of people who are close to you.